
My child is 9 years old and has a bad temper. Every morning, he is unhappy when he wakes up, and it’s a struggle for him to get dressed and eat breakfast. He seems to be in a foul mood, and he doesn’t listen to reason. He often hits his sister. When he comes home from school, he’s in a bad mood, and he’s mischievous in school, and he isn’t focused during tutoring sessions. As a parent, I don’t know what to do and feel desperate. What kind of help do I need? I hope everyone can give some advice.


From your situation, I know that parents all over the world face similar hardships. My brother was like that too, very difficult to discipline. Neither reasoning nor punishment worked. Eventually, we didn’t take him to see a psychologist; instead, we used love to transform him. In fact, they aren’t really unruly; they just seem aggressive on the outside but are actually very obedient on the inside. So, you should pay more attention to him in your daily life and communicate with him more. Nowadays, communication is the best way to solve problems. I believe there’s no need to take him to see a psychologist; you are already his best psychologist. Try it out; communicate with him more and pay more attention to him so that he can feel an irresistible emotional connection.