
My daughter is 2 years and 2 months old. Starting from the afternoon of the 24th, she has had some nausea and vomiting. On the 25th, she had a low fever with slightly elevated blood counts. The stool test showed scattered fatty balls in the field. After her fever subsided on the 26th, she started dry heaves. By the afternoon of the 27th, she no longer vomited but still felt nausea and vomiting, occurring 3 to 4 times a day with small amounts. Since the 27th, she has been complaining of abdominal pain continuously, with persistent bowel sounds. A repeat stool test indicated weak positive occult blood, with fatty balls present from 20 to 35. It’s been three days since she last ate anything! I’m desperate. Previous treatment and effectiveness: Taking three days of Enterococcus faecium two-strain probiotic capsules plus amoxicillin; Montmorillonite powder was hard to feed and she basically didn’t get any? How many more days until a complete recovery? Can she drink milk?


Hello, there is a high suspicion of opportunistic bacterial infection in this case. Amoxicillin is not effective against intestinal bacteria, and it is recommended not to…