
In November 2009, after the left eye was accidentally touched by a child’s finger tip, the patient’s vision rapidly declined, as if a curtain was drawn from the top down over the eye, resulting in complete loss of vision within a week. Treatment with hormones and intravenous fluids was ineffective, and the provincial hospital was unable to provide a clear diagnosis. On January 9, 2011, a similar condition recurred in the right eye, with blurred vision and the lower half of the eye starting to be obscured from right to left. After receiving 6 days of similar treatment locally, the patient was transferred to another hospital on January 15 and diagnosed with optic nerve atrophy. After 10 days of treatment with Shu Xue Tong and Compound Camphor Bases, the condition was initially controlled and the patient was discharged. The patient then continued oral and intravenous nutritional medications for the optic nerve vessels for another 10 days. Now seeking treatment recommendations and precautions to maintain and improve the remaining vision.


The Huahe Re-see-the-Light Granules are composed of various precious herbs, with effective ingredients that can penetrate, repair, and activate the optic nerve, achieving both symptomatic and curative effects. Regardless of the duration of the disease or the strength of vision, significant treatment effects can be obtained in a short period. While enhancing the eyes’ resistance and immunity, this medication can quickly repair damaged retinal tissue and restore normal visual function.