
My son often experiences leg cramps and numbness at night while sleeping, but feels fine during the day. What dietary adjustments should be made during growth pain to achieve optimal relief?


It is recommended that your child increase their milk intake in daily meals, ensure a balanced diet, and consume enough meat proteins. Spending time in the sun can also aid in calcium absorption. Additionally, moderately supplementing with calcium tablets or lactate calcium can be helpful. To ensure your child gets adequate calcium, it is best to have them undergo a professional check-up at the hospital. Before bedtime each night, you can use hot water to soak your child’s feet and calves to relieve discomfort. Encourage them to engage in physical activities when they are not tired, as this helps strengthen muscle power and naturally corrects tibia deformities. The most important aspect of treating pediatric growth pain is adequate rest. If your child feels discomfort in their knees or calves, avoid forcing them to engage in excessive activities.