
I have a brother who married a woman from Shaanxi, and they have a child who has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus. Recently, it was found that their child has hydrocephalus, and he constantly drools and cannot eat properly. It’s quite pitiful to see. How can we help? What department should we visit for pediatric hydrocephalus?


Hydrocephalus is a condition caused by cranial brain diseases that lead to excessive cerebrospinal fluid secretion, circulation, or digestive disorders, resulting in increased intracranial cerebrospinal fluid volume, expansion of the ventricular system, or subarachnoid space. Typical symptoms include headache, dry heaves, blurred vision, swelling of the optic nerve head, occasional diplopia, dizziness, and seizures. It should be treated in the Department of Neurosurgery, also known as Neurosurgery. For children, it would be pediatric neurosurgery. The degree of neurological dysfunction in hydrocephalus patients is related to the severity of the condition and should be actively diagnosed.