On Friday morning, small red spots appeared on my hand again, and the doctor suspects it might be a mild case of hand, foot, and mouth disease. The symptoms are not severe, and I’ve been taking medication for four days. There’s no fever, and I feel good. By Sunday, the red spots on my hand had faded, and the inside of my mouth was normal. Can I go to preschool on Friday after seven days? If not, can I go on Monday after nine days?
Most cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease are mild, primarily manifested as fever and rash or blisters on the hands, feet, and oral cavity. With no complications, most children with hand, foot, and mouth disease can recover within a week. Treatment mainly focuses on symptomatic management and may include vitamin B, C supplements, and antiviral medications. In terms of prevention, attention to personal hygiene is recommended. Regular checks are suggested.