
My child is 9 years old and in elementary school. During class, they have difficulty paying attention, don’t listen to the teacher properly, and easily get distracted while doing homework. They can’t finish reading a book I ask them to read ten times; they read it once and come back to recite, but can’t remember it. Could this be ADHD? How should it be treated?


These symptoms may be related to ADHD. It is recommended that you take your child to the hospital for a check-up. You can try oral Vitamin B1 and Methylphenidate for treatment, and pay attention to observe the treatment effect. We know that pediatric neurological diseases can cause great harm to children. If not treated in time or the treatment method is inappropriate, the condition may worsen rapidly, leading to serious consequences for the child. Therefore, parents should pay more attention to their child’s situation and take them for treatment in a timely manner.