My daughter is 3 years old and just started kindergarten. Lately, she has been constantly tugging at her ears and complaining of itching. I also noticed that the earwax is purulent and a bit yellow, and her ears are buzzing. She has a slight fever as well. How should I treat her otitis media and tinnitus in children?
Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are the current methods and medications used in clinical treatment of pediatric otitis media. Parents can choose symptomatic treatment options. They can give their child regional treatment with anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child experiences severe ear pain, they can also use painkillers in moderation. If the child has a fever, they can take medications with fever-reducing effects. In severe cases, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child develops serious conditions such as perforation of the eardrum, immediate medical treatment is required. Pay attention to a light diet during the treatment period, and mainly consume fluids.