
The baby’s stool is normal, blood tests are normal, and there are no issues on the ultrasound. However, the baby has diarrhea, doesn’t want to eat, and keeps wanting to sleep, showing no energy.


Hello, based on your description, it is considered that the baby may have enteritis. It is recommended to have the baby’s stool tested regularly and to undergo anti-inflammatory treatment. You can give the baby oral cefixime dry suspension and try Simethicone. Ensure the baby drinks plenty of water for a gradual recovery. Additionally, maintain hygiene in the anal area by washing with warm water to prevent eczema. Children’s diarrhea has been a persistent concern for parents. When treating this condition, it is important to adopt general treatment methods. Only by using professional methods can family members help children recover from diseases quickly without affecting their growth and development. Therefore, parents should pay close attention to their child’s condition and seek medical treatment promptly.