
What’s going on with synovitis in children? If a child is limping and it’s been going on for a month, what could be the issue?


Synovitis is typically an aseptic inflammation caused by poor microcirculation. When a child has synovitis, they may exhibit symptoms like limping. The key to treating this inflammation is to regulate the microcirculation system. Once the microcirculation returns to normal, fluid accumulation will naturally be absorbed, and the inflammation will subside as well. It is recommended to give the child some blood-activating and blood-stasis-relieving pills like Xuefu Zhuyu Wan and kidney-tonifying and bone-strengthening supplements like Zhuanggu Guanjie Wan. Additionally, the occurrence of pediatric orthopedic diseases can severely affect patients’ lives and work. Apart from symptomatic treatment, patients should also pay attention to rest and enhance nutrition to reduce the chance of recurrence.