
What are the causes of jaundice in newborns?


Dear Doctor, my child was born on August 6th through a cesarean section and is a full-term baby. On the second day after birth (August 8th), the baby developed jaundice, which worsened by the fifth day but was limited to facial yellowing. By August 20th, although the facial jaundice did not worsen or fade. During these two weeks, the child was fed a mixture of breast milk and formula, with normal bowel movements, urination, and sleep. The number of bowel movements was slightly higher, occurring more than 10 times a day. On August 20th, we went to the hospital for a liver function test, with a total bilirubin index of 323.9. No hospitalization was required, and we were prescribed five vials of Yinzi Huang injection to take home. After two days of taking the medication, there was no sign of facial jaundice fading. On August 22nd, the child was admitted for treatment. Before that, another liver function test was conducted, and the total bilirubin index was.