
Male, 26 years old, with underdeveloped genitals and not obvious male secondary sexual characteristics, how can hypogonadism be improved?


Firstly, it is important to clarify whether you feel that your hypogonadism is a sensation or a confirmed diagnosis through examination. Generally, male gonadal development primarily involves the development of the penis, testicles, and epididymis. If you currently believe that your gonadal development is not good based on appearance, it may be your own misjudgment because there could be developmental issues. Generally, one should consider the possibility of cryptorchidism, obesity, underdeveloped testicles, hidden penis, and other factors. These require you to go to the hospital for a doctor’s examination and tests, as well as an ultrasound examination to determine your diagnosis. Based on the results of the diagnosis, appropriate treatment measures can be selected. I hope my answer can be of some help.