
During the ultrasound at 6 weeks, I noticed a bit of fluid accumulation around the gestational sac. Every week, on one or two days, I have a little bit of pale red or coffee-colored fluid coming out of my vagina, but my blood pregnancy hormone levels have been normal. Could those fluids that come out sometimes be the fluid accumulation around the gestational sac?


Fluid accumulation around the gestational sac is generally blood clots, indicating that the implantation of the gestational sac in the uterus may not be very stable. Although fluid accumulation may not necessarily be accompanied by significant vaginal bleeding, do you have any symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort? In this situation, doctors usually diagnose it as a threatened miscarriage and will provide fetal preservation treatment. Based on your condition, your pregnancy hormone test results are within the normal range. It is recommended that you rest well and maintain emotional stability. If the amount of bleeding is not too much, there is a chance to preserve the fetus.