
What is the function of magnesium sulfate? How should it be taken to achieve its effects?


Magnesium sulfate contains magnesium ions that can inhibit central nervous system activity, suppress the release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, interrupt the conduction at the neuromuscular synapse, reduce or relieve muscle contraction, and also have a relaxing effect on vascular smooth muscle. This causes peripheral blood vessels to dilate in cases of tetanus, lowers blood pressure, and thus has both preventive and therapeutic effects on epilepsy. It also inhibits uterine smooth muscle contractions and is used to treat preterm labor. The indications for magnesium sulfate include: it can be used as an anticonvulsant, commonly used in pregnancy-induced hypertension to lower blood pressure, treat preeclampsia and eclampsia, and is also used to treat preterm labor. Dosage and administration: For the treatment of moderate to severe pregnancy-induced hypertension, the initial dose is 2.5 to 4g, diluted in 20ml of 25% glucose injection and administered slowly by intravenous injection over 5 minutes. Thereafter, maintain with intravenous infusion of 1 to 2g every hour. The total daily dose should not exceed 30g, monitored based on patellar reflexes, respiratory rate, and urine output. The dosage and method of treatment for preterm labor are similar to those for pregnancy-induced hypertension, with an initial loading dose of 4g; diluted in 20ml of 25% glucose injection and administered slowly by intravenous injection over 5 minutes. Thereafter, use 60ml of 25% magnesium sulfate injection added to 1000ml of 5% glucose injection for intravenous infusion at a rate of 2g per hour until uterine contractions stop for 2 hours, followed by oral administration of ??adrenergic receptor agonists to maintain. For pediatric convulsions, inject or administer intravenously: 0.1 to 0.15g/kg, diluted into a 1% solution with 5% to 10% glucose injection for intravenous infusion or diluted into a 5% solution for slow intravenous injection. A 25% solution can be used for deep intramuscular injection.