
How do I choose the right baby formula? There are many baby formulas on the market that claim to be biomimetic formulas (mimicking breast milk composition), containing ingredients like nucleotides, oligosaccharides, and brain yellow gold. Are these biomimetic formulas really better than other formulas?


When choosing baby formula, you can first judge its quality by its smell. High-quality formulas usually have a slight sweet milk flavor with a delicate texture. Skimmed milk formulas tend to have a lighter taste. Lower-quality formulas may have off-flavors like moldiness, fishiness, bitterness, or a darker color. Additionally, you can also distinguish by observing the texture of the formula. Child health issues have always been a concern for parents, and when treating this condition, it is important to consider general treatment methods. Parents should only use regular methods to help children recover from diseases as quickly as possible so as not to affect their growth and development. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to quickly assist children in healing their illnesses after they occur.