
My mother has had diabetes for many years and has been taking hypoglycemic drugs for a long time. However, the doctor said that long-term use may lead to complications and is not good for the kidneys. Therefore, I want to find some home remedies for treating diabetes.


Two pounds of Trichosanthes anguina and one pound of prepared Rehmannia are ground into powder and mixed with honey to form marbles the size of pills. Take three pills each time (if each pill is nine grams, take two pills), three times a day. Continuous use can help enhance physical strength and make the skin smooth and comfortable. Precautions: Those with deficiency-cold diarrhea and external wind-cold cough should not take this medicine. These herbs can be taken for about forty days after being made into pills. Moreover, as Trichosanthes anguina and prepared Rehmannia are easy to stick to the hands, it is recommended to have a professional Chinese medicine store process them into honey pills.