
My baby is now nine and a half months old. Yesterday afternoon, he suddenly started to have a fever without showing any symptoms of a cold. He wasn’t very interested in eating, but he wasn’t crying or restless, and he was in good spirits. His temperature reached 38.5° yesterday afternoon. I applied a fever-reducing patch and gave him 1.5 milliliters of Merck syrup. By bedtime, his temperature had dropped to 36.9°. However, by 4 am today, his temperature rose again to 37.8°. By noon today, he wasn’t feverish anymore, but his temperature rose again to 37.9°. I gave him half a dose of Chai Gui fever-reducing oral liquid and applied another fever-reducing patch. His temperature is still at 37.9° now. Do I need to take him to see a doctor, and what could have caused this fever?


Disease Analysis: At nine and a half months old, the child has already started on supplementary foods. Unexplained fevers could be due to indigestion. Giving the child some digestion aid medication along with fever-reducing medication should resolve the issue. My child has had similar situations before; afterwards, I gave him some digestion aid medication like Jian’er Xiaoshi Oral Liquid to prevent indigestion and subsequent fevers. Wishing the baby a speedy recovery.