
A parent inquired about their 1-year-old child who has recently started crying at night without apparent reason, often for several hours, and who cannot be comforted even when soothed. The child is in good condition during the day, without any long-term crying episodes, and is currently being supplemented with calcium and zinc as advised by a doctor. The child’s weight is normal, with a rosy complexion and average appetite. The parent wants to know the possible causes of the child’s night crying and how to address this issue.


Based on the description, the child may be experiencing night crying due to zinc deficiency. It is recommended that the parents take the child to have their trace elements checked to confirm the diagnosis. Additionally, the child may have respiratory system issues, such as pneumonia, which could lead to night coughing and sleeplessness. If diagnosed, immediate treatment should be initiated, and gastroenteric decompression should be performed in conjunction with the doctor’s advice. Good hygiene habits should also be cultivated. The child should maintain a reasonable diet, avoiding irritating and cold foods.