
The child has left kidney hydrops, with an ultrasound examination showing the left kidney to be 54mm x 29mm in size, with a dark area of separation in the collecting system measuring 10-11mm. The right kidney measures 50mm x 26mm, with a dark area of separation in the collecting system as well. Both ureters show no abnormalities, and the bladder is well-filled with a smooth wall and no strong echoes. The ultrasound opinion indicates mild hydrops in the left kidney, and the right kidney had a dark area of separation of 7.5mm before birth, while the left kidney was 10mm.


Based on the ultrasound results, your child has mild kidney hydrops. It is recommended to have regular follow-up checks, and no special treatment is needed if the condition does not worsen. If the hydrops situation continues or worsens, further treatment may be considered. Since children have weaker immune systems and are more susceptible to pediatric urological diseases, parents should remain calm, take their child to a specialized hospital for examination and treatment in a timely manner, and follow medical instructions for medication use. At the same time, regular health checks should be conducted to monitor the child’s health status.