
I just had my second child, a boy. When he was born, the RPR test was normal. However, this time, when my daughter was born, the test showed that she had positive antibodies but negative serum. I want to know if her antibodies will turn negative and whether this will affect her future?


You have positive antibodies, but the serum was not warmed during the test. In this case, newborns may have been infected with syphilis through maternal-fetal transmission. The positive antibody result detected within the first six months of your daughter’s birth may come from the mother and does not necessarily indicate that she has been infected with syphilis. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much. These antibodies are not Treponema pallidum and can be transmitted to the baby through the placenta without causing harm. If you are still concerned, you can ask your doctor to administer penicillin to your daughter for preventive treatment. Good luck!