
My baby is 3 months old and her stomach rumbles loudly after breastfeeding. She then clutches her fists, her face turns bright red, her legs are straightened out, and she strains her body, crying as if she’s in pain. She sweats all over her head when it hurts, and it’s particularly painful. However, it subsides after a while. This situation happens multiple times every day, especially when she is breastfeeding. Her stools are somewhat green, and a stool test shows no issues. What could be the matter?


Hello, your baby’s green stool might be due to catching a cold or indigestion. We suggest using probiotics, lactase enzyme supplements, or baby belly patches to alleviate these symptoms. Additionally, ensure your baby is well-hydrated, keep her abdomen warm, and avoid over-concentrated formula. You can also warm your hands and gently rub your baby’s abdomen in a clockwise direction. We hope these suggestions are helpful to you, and wish your baby good health!