
My child is nine months old now and can stand up with support, recognize some everyday items, and express gratitude, welcome, and hello. However, when she makes these gestures, it seems she doesn’t know which one I’m referring to. When I say ’thank you,’ she acts like she’s welcoming, and when I say ‘welcome,’ she acts like she’s thanking! Sometimes, she only makes the welcome gesture all day without making the ’thank you’ gesture. And when I ask her to do it, she doesn’t comply; she just looks around, thinking about something else, and then suddenly makes the ’thank you’ or ‘welcome’ gesture without following my instructions. I don’t know if this is normal for children of this age or if my expectations are too high! Is this related to the child’s intelligence? What should I do if she can’t meet the standard?


Children of this age are usually still developing their cognitive and imitative abilities. Their attention may be quite scattered, and their understanding of instructions may not be mature yet. Parents should be patient, as their ability to understand and follow instructions will gradually improve with growth. Generally speaking, next month’s performance will be more satisfying. In terms of pediatric health care, if you encounter any problems, seek professional medical advice and treatment in a timely manner to avoid affecting the child’s growth and development.