
How to relieve stomach pain?


Pain in the upper abdomen, around the heart area and back, is a sharp pain that rises, often accompanied by hiccups, a reluctance to pass gas, loss of appetite, and a lack of hunger. After eating, the pain increases, but after a period of digestion, the pain subsides and eventually disappears. The pain can feel like an impending diarrhea. In the past, during pregnancy, there were similar symptoms but without pain. During the postpartum period, due to anger, there were situations of both vomiting and pain. Disease Analysis: If you already have a stomach condition, it’s important to take self-protection seriously. The most important thing is to keep a cheerful mood and not get angry, as medication may not be effective even if taken. Recommendations include:

  1. Avoid all irritating foods such as spicy, overly acidic, overly sweet, cold, overly hot, hard to digest foods (such as rice dumplings, glutinous rice).
  2. Eat small meals frequently; do not overeat to avoid harming your stomach. It is recommended to eat every four hours, even if you are not hungry.
  3. Do not eat within two hours before bedtime; this is very important.
  4. Consult with your doctor for medication. Two types of medication have been used in the past with good effects and affordable prices (e.g., magnesium trisilicate chewable tablets, stomach pain relief medicine). In summary, the stomach can be tolerant at times and sensitive at others. When problems arise, they can be mild or severe; never take them lightly. Even for those without stomach issues, it is important to eat in moderation and not overindulge. If you really develop a stomach condition,