
A mother reports that her baby, just one month old, is experiencing sore throat, hoarseness, and a fever. She wants to know what dietary precautions should be taken when her baby has tonsillitis with fever.


When a baby exhibits symptoms of tonsillitis with fever, it is recommended to seek medical treatment promptly and pay attention to dietary adjustments. In terms of diet, it is advisable to focus on light, easy-to-digest foods. Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and trace elements, are light, and can aid in the healing of the disease. For instance, pears have the effects of reducing fever, soothing the throat, resolving phlegm, and alleviating pain, which can help relieve throat discomfort caused by acute tonsillitis. The daily diet should mainly consist of soft foods such as congee and noodles, and it is best to avoid irritating or spicy foods. Additionally, parents should help their babies develop good living habits, including regular sleep schedules and moderate exercise, to enhance immunity and reduce the likelihood of illness.