
My baby’s hand was cut by sheet metal, not too deep, and has been disinfected with iodine alcohol. The baby has received three doses of the DTP vaccine. Does this mean that the baby has already received the tetanus vaccine and does not need another tetanus shot? What were the previous treatment situations and effects: How did the baby benefit from receiving three doses of the DTP vaccine? Thank you, I want to know if the effect of the DTP vaccine is the same as that of a tetanus shot administered within 24 hours! Will the baby never get tetanus if they have received the DTP vaccine?


27-month-old child, cut by sheet metal. The vaccine administered within 24 hours after the injury is the same as the one in the DTP vaccine. The three doses of vaccine during infancy can provide protection for 3 to 5 years. An individual who has undergone sufficient autoimmunity has enough protection against tetanus. If the wound is very deep, or if it is injured by metal buried deep in the soil, an additional dose of vaccine can also be administered after the injury. It is actually an overcautious behavior for hospitals to administer tetanus vaccine for any minor trauma.