
My daughter is 9 years old, and recently she has been constantly tugging at her ear, complaining of itching and yellowish earwax discharge, accompanied by a low-grade fever. How should one treat ear pain due to pediatric otitis media for the best results?


Currently, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly used in clinical settings to treat pediatric otitis media. Parents can choose the treatment method based on the symptoms, using anti-inflammatory ear drops for local treatment. If the child’s ear pain is severe, painkillers can be administered as necessary. Some children may also have a fever, in which case oral antipyretics can be taken. If symptoms do not improve, it is essential to seek medical attention. In cases of severe complications such as tympanic membrane perforation, immediate medical attention and surgical treatment are required. It is recommended that parents pay attention to this disease, bring their child for early medical treatment, and also pay attention to relevant preventive and health care work in their daily lives.