
If facial paralysis and mouth distortion incline reappear, and the patient has facial neuritis, which is often caused by the herpes zoster virus infection, it is recommended to have a combination of antiviral and nerve-nourishing treatments. Focusing on traditional Chinese acupuncture treatment is beneficial, as well as using bubble gum or directly blowing balloons to help with complete recovery; massage, which involves self-massage of the stiff facial areas, is an active treatment option. It is suggested to do this for a month and observe the effects.


Seek professional medical assistance and follow their instructions for treatment. Generally, the treatment for facial paralysis may include acupuncture, antiviral medications, nerve-nourishing drugs, and physical therapy. Self-massage at home may help alleviate symptoms, but ensure you use proper techniques and avoid overexertion to prevent injury. If symptoms do not improve, seek medical consultation promptly.