
My friend’s sister has phenylketonuria and has been receiving treatment since she was a child. The current situation is manageable, but now that she wants to have a child and is already pregnant, she is in urgent need of advice on what foods would be beneficial for both her and the baby. What can a phenylketonuria patient eat?


This condition is a type of autosomal recessive inherited metabolic disease. Foods high in phenylalanine cannot be consumed, as protein-rich foods tend to have higher levels of phenylalanine. Therefore, meat, eggs, milk, and beans should not be eaten or only eaten in very small quantities. After some time, based on the results of the phenylalanine test, adjustments can be made accordingly. Generally, patients with phenylketonuria require lifelong dietary control. As they grow older, they tend to get accustomed to it. Phenylketonuria is a congenital metabolic disease caused by a chromosomal mutation leading to a deficiency in the liver’s phenylalanine hydroxylase, resulting in a phenylalanine metabolic disorder. There is currently no effective medication for treatment. The low-phenylalanine dietary therapy is the only method for treating classic PKU, with the goal of preventing brain damage. It is essential to pay attention to diet and maintain consistency.