
Can infantile spasms be cured?


Infantile spasms are actually a special type of epilepsy in infancy, most commonly affecting babies aged 3 to 7 months. The causes may include birth injuries, newborn respiratory difficulties, viral encephalitis, intrauterine infection, congenital toxoplasmosis, congenital brain malformations, and many metabolic diseases. Infants experience severe pain, along with generalized convulsions, which can be more serious because they may also lead to mental disabilities in children. Immediate treatment is necessary. Starting early treatment can reduce the severity of brain damage. Less than 90% of children will develop mental and motor impairments or degenerative changes after the onset of the disease. If anti-epileptic treatment generally requires 2-4 years of long-term medication, the side effects of Western medicine may alleviate the interference with the intellectual and developmental growth of children.