
What are the methods for diagnosing infantile spasms?


The diagnosis of infantile spasms primarily involves the following aspects:

  1. Electroencephalogram (EEG) Examination: EEG is a key method for diagnosing infantile spasms. Typical EEG findings include bilateral synchronous peak rhythm disturbances, a pattern commonly observed in infantile spasms.
  2. Growth and Development Assessment: Infantile spasms often appear suddenly in children with normal growth and development, so a detailed assessment of the child’s development is very important.
  3. Neuroimaging Examinations: Including cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), used to rule out other structural problems that may cause infantile spasms.
  4. Exclusion of Other Causes: Since infantile spasms can be part of a genetic or acquired syndrome, appropriate genetic and other laboratory tests are needed to exclude other potential causes. Through this comprehensive evaluation, doctors can more accurately diagnose infantile spasms and develop appropriate treatment plans.