
My son’s reaction speed is a bit slow, and he often doesn’t cry or fuss, which is very different from a normal newborn. The doctor suspects he has Down syndrome, which is a form of intellectual disability with an IQ similar to that of a few-year-old child. Can the symptoms of Down syndrome be completely alleviated?


The symptoms of Down syndrome cannot be alleviated, primarily due to chromosomal abnormalities. Patients generally exhibit special facial features and intellectual disability multiple times. It is recommended to bring the baby to the local regular hospital’s pediatric rehabilitation department for treatment. The purpose of the treatment is mainly to stabilize limb function and reduce the ability for self-care. Increase the intake of foods containing protein, such as a small amount of lean meat. Avoid overly salty dishes and try to cook by steaming as much as possible, without frying or stir-frying. Avoid excessive drinking and eating, high-fat, and spicy and irritating foods.