
A four-year-old girl has become significantly overweight over the past year, with a large appetite, especially for meat, and she is very lazy, not fond of physical activity. How can we help her improve her obesity and dietary habits?


If a child is suffering from obesity, parents should address the issue from both exercise and diet. In terms of exercise, you can start with activities like jogging, hill climbing, and swimming to provide aerobic exercise. For diet, encourage the child to eat more vegetables such as tomatoes and cucumbers, and avoid high-calorie, high-fat foods like cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. At the same time, help cultivate a habit of physical activity in the child to prevent prolonged sitting or lying down, which can lead to fat accumulation. During the treatment of obesity, parents should tailor a reasonable plan based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is advisable to go to the hospital for examination and symptomatic treatment.