
A boy, already 1 year old, has been tugging at his ear and complaining of itching this week. You notice yellow earwax discharge. Additionally, his appetite is poor, and he feels uncomfortable in his throat. How should one effectively treat a child’s otitis media with yellow discharge in the ear?


Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are currently the methods and drugs used in clinical treatment for pediatric otitis media. Parents can choose according to symptoms, opt for regional drug treatment, and select anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the ear pain is severe, some painkillers may be appropriately administered. If the child has a fever, parents can give the child fever-reducing medication or take them to the hospital immediately. If the child has a perforated eardrum, it is recommended to seek hospital treatment as soon as possible. During the treatment period, it is important to ensure the child’s warmth and avoid exacerbating symptoms by catching a cold.