
Dear parents, my daughter is only 5 years old and has recently been experiencing pain and itching in her ears, along with yellowish earwax and headaches, and a fever. How should we treat her if she has difficulty hearing due to otitis media?


It is recommended that parents choose the appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance for their child to alleviate inflammation symptoms. Anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used for treatment. If the child mainly has ear pain, it is suggested to give a moderate dose of pain relievers to alleviate the pain. If there is a fever, you can give fever-reducing medicine or take the child to the hospital immediately. Otitis media has the characteristic of recurrent attacks, and if there is a perforation in the eardrum, timely treatment should be sought. Parents should regularly take preventive measures for their children to prevent a recurrence of otitis media.