
Is fetal demise caused by chromosome abnormalities?


Fetal death during pregnancy can be associated with many factors, including chromosomal abnormalities, umbilical cord abnormalities, placental abruption, and placenta previa bleeding. Normal menstrual cycles cannot guarantee the health of the fetus. When the pregnancy reaches six or seven months, fetal death may be related to chromosomal abnormalities, but this is not the only cause. It is recommended to undergo prenatal screening and have a chromosomal test done after the baby is born. Additionally, conditions such as an overly thin umbilical cord, cord compression, nuchal cord, thrombosis, placental abruption, or rupture of placental vessels leading to excessive bleeding in the fetus can also result in fetal death. For the current situation, it is advised to deliver the baby quickly and examine the fetus. It is also recommended to have chromosomal tests for both partners before the next pregnancy.