
My daughter is 7 years old. This week, she said her ear hurt, and occasionally, yellow fluid would come out in the morning. At the same time, her appetite was poor, and her throat felt uncomfortable. How should a child with otitis media and yellow fluid in the ear be treated?


To effectively treat pediatric otitis media, one can choose some medications with anti-inflammatory properties under a doctor’s guidance, and also perform bacterial cultures of ear secretions, using anti-inflammatory ear drops based on the results of the examination. Additionally, painkillers can be administered to the child based on their condition, especially when the ear pain is severe, which can help alleviate the pain. If the child has a fever, parents can give them fever-reducing medicine. If the condition is severe, medical attention should be sought as soon as possible. If there are repeated acute severe episodes or if there has been a perforation of the eardrum, timely surgical treatment should be considered. After the condition improves, it is recommended to allow the child to engage in moderate exercise to boost their immunity and prevent recurrence.