
My baby is eight months old and accidentally caught a cold from the air conditioning a few days ago. He’s been feeling queasy and vomiting, and even after taking medicine, he keeps running a fever. I’m not sure what medicine to give him anymore, so I’d like to ask what medication should be taken for a baby with diarrhea and fever?


Firstly, let the baby continue breastfeeding, but extend the feeding intervals and use small, frequent feedings. Offer water appropriately, consider taking probiotics, or use montmorillonite powder. Additionally, administer Ribaevin granules. Also, pay attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm. If the temperature is below 38°C, you can take oral antipyretics such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen granules. If the temperature is above 38°C, physical cooling methods should be used. The main concern is to prevent dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.