
Recently, my son has a poor appetite. He doesn’t want to eat good things every day. He always says his stomach feels uncomfortable. When he went to the hospital, nothing was found. Recently, this child’s condition has worsened. I brought him to a large hospital for a thorough check-up on how he contracted childhood diabetes. I don’t know how to deal with my child’s diabetes.


To me, the issue of childhood diabetes is not terrifying, but the serious complications of diabetes should also be taken seriously by parents. It is important to supervise children’s regular exercise, control their weight, and this is also crucial for preventing the onset of diabetes. Pay attention to children’s diet, avoid high-calorie and high-fat foods, and focus on balanced eating, increasing intake of high-protein and high-fiber foods to lower vision. After discovering any unusual conditions in children, we should go to the hospital for a check-up promptly. Here is my explanation of childhood diabetes, which I hope can help you.