
My son is 6 years old. This week, he told me his ear hurts, and in the morning, there was a lot of yellow earwax. He also has a headache and a fever. What should I do if there is yellow fluid in the ear due to otitis media in children?


If your child has otitis media, you can first consider using symptomatic antibiotic medications, along with local treatments such as anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the ear pain is severe with purulent discharge, it is recommended to use painkillers to alleviate symptoms. Some children may also have a fever, in which case you can take oral antipyretics. If the symptoms do not improve, it is essential to seek medical attention. These are common treatment methods. If your child shows symptoms of perforated eardrum, timely medical treatment and surgery may be necessary. It is advisable for parents to pay attention to this disease, bring their children to the doctor for early treatment, and also pay attention to related preventive and health care work in daily life.