
I have a four-year-old daughter, and recently, I’ve noticed that she seems to be getting fatter. She can eat several bowls of rice at a meal and then prefers to lie down and not move around. How can I help her develop a habit of exercise and improve her diet and weight situation?


To help children change their obesity status, it’s essential to start by cultivating their exercise habits and improving their picky eating. It’s recommended to first let the child engage in some aerobic exercises, such as jogging, climbing hills, swimming, etc., to cultivate their interest and habit in sports. At the same time, add vegetables that are helpful in improving obesity to the child’s daily diet, such as winter melon and green beans, and reduce the intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Parents need to strictly control their children’s diet, avoid overeating, and encourage them to be more active. If the situation is severe, professional treatment should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor, and it is not advisable to take medication blindly or adopt extreme dieting methods. Parents should always pay attention to their children’s condition and adjust according to the doctor’s advice.