
My sister’s child has been crying non-stop recently, and we’re not sure what to do at home, so we went for a thorough check-up, and it turned out to be rickets due to vitamin D deficiency. What symptoms are usually present?


Rickets primarily manifests as skeletal deformities, which appear in different locations at different age stages. During the 2-3 month period, symptoms may include an enlarged fontanelle and softening of the skull bones. The latter refers to the sensation of pressing on the frontal and parietal bones, as if they are being compressed like a ping pong ball. By 7 to 8 months, the baby may again exhibit square-shaped skulls, where the frontal and parietal bones bulge outward from the center. Swelling around the wrists and ankles, termed ‘wrist bangles’ and ‘ankle bangles,’ may also occur. Chest deformities such as pigeon chest or funnel chest can also appear during infancy.