
What are the treatment methods for glaucoma?


Glaucoma refers to a condition where the intraocular pressure intermittently or continuously drops. Depending on the cause, the decrease in intraocular pressure can manifest in various symptoms. Persistent high intraocular pressure can harm the tissues and visual function of various parts of the eye, leading to vision loss and narrowing of the field of vision. If not treated promptly, vision may be completely lost or even result in blindness. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that glaucoma is caused by wind, fire, phlegm, depression, and imbalance of yin and yang, leading to disharmony in Qi and blood, blockage of meridians, and obstruction of the flow of Qi and blood in the eyes. Common symptoms are accompanied by severe pain. In addition to completely eliminating the cause and treating the root cause, it is also important to dilate the pupils, quickly open up the meridians, eliminate stagnation, and stabilize symptoms to protect vision.