
Hi doctor, I’ve been experiencing sudden eye swelling, pain, photophobia, and involuntary tears along with headaches for the past week. I visited an ophthalmologist, and the doctor said I have glaucoma. Upon detailed examination, my intraocular pressure was found to be normal. For someone with normal intraocular pressure glaucoma like me, what medication should I take? Additionally, are there any precautions I need to be aware of?


Normal intraocular pressure is typically between 10 to 21 millimeters of mercury. Generally, if the intraocular pressure is below 21, it is considered glaucoma. However, if the intraocular pressure is within the normal range but the fundus examination shows signs of glaucomatous inflammation, there is a suspicion of normal tension glaucoma. In such cases, it is generally necessary to have 24-hour intraocular pressure monitoring data, especially during the night, to confirm the diagnosis. Currently, medication is not required, but you should use eye drops to lower the intraocular pressure. Be sure to have regular check-ups at the hospital.