A nine-year-old boy is experiencing symptoms of sore throat, accompanied by mild coughing and fever,suspected tonsillitis. What dietary precautions should be taken?
When a child has tonsillitis, the following dietary considerations are recommended:
- Maintain a light diet: Offer a diet mainly consisting of vegetables and fruits to help supplement vitamins and trace elements, boost immunity, and promote recovery. For example, fruits like pears and apples have a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect and can be consumed more often.
- Choose easy-to-swallow and digestible foods: Soft foods like congee are more suitable for children to swallow and digest.
- Avoid stimulating food: Foods such as beef, mutton, poultry eggs, seafood, as well as spicy, hot, and steaming dishes like hotpot should be avoided during this stage to prevent exacerbating the condition.
- Correct poor eating habits: Help children correct bad habits like picky eating and anorexia to ensure balanced nutrition intake and promote comprehensive absorption.