
My daughter is 3 years old and just started kindergarten. These days, she says her ears are itchy and painful. Upon inspection, I found that the earwax is purulent and a bit yellow, and she also has a headache and fever. How should I treat the ear pain in a child with otitis media?


To effectively treat otitis media, it is recommended to select some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medications under a doctor’s guidance. Regional drug treatment can be used, and anti-inflammatory ear drops can be administered. If the child’s ear pain is severe, it is suggested to give some painkillers according to the situation. If the child has a fever, parents can give the child some antipyretic medication or take the child to the hospital immediately. In cases of recurrent acute severe otitis media or if an eardrum perforation has occurred, timely surgical treatment should be performed. During treatment, it is also important to pay attention to giving the child a light diet and enhancing nutritional supplementation to help recovery as soon as possible.