
What are the treatment methods for bedwetting in children?


To prevent children from not waking up easily during their night sleep, it’s important to avoid excessive fatigue during the day and to schedule a one-hour nap time at noon. Reduce salt, water, and soup intake in the evening meal. Before bedtime, prevent children from getting overly excited and encourage them to empty their bladder before going to bed. Parents should cultivate the habit of children waking up spontaneously to urinate. Remind children to self-reiterate “I will get up to urinate at 8 PM tonight” before going to bed. Parents can also wake up children at the usual time of nocturnal enuresis to allow them to urinate while awake. Training children to hold their urine during the day can also be a method; when they feel the urge to urinate, they should actively control and delay urination for a few minutes, gradually extending the time. Guidelines: ① Apply Dinggui Warm navel sticker (a type of abdominal plaster) on the belly button, use one patch each night; it is convenient, available at pharmacies, easy to purchase, and a simple, cost-effective abdominal plaster. ② Take 3-10 grams of Mahuang (Chinese ephedra) in decoction; there have been reports that the short-term effect is good, but it should not be taken for a long time. ③ Grind 10 grams of Buguzhi (Chinese angelica seed) and stir-fry with chicken eggs; eat this for 10 consecutive days. Buguzhi is a traditional Chinese medicine that tonifies the kidney and warms the spleen, mainly used for frequent urination and enuresis caused by insufficient kidney Yang, with minimal side effects.