
How should I treat my child who has been diagnosed with allergic purpura at three months old? It has been over a month since the diagnosis, and the occult blood test results have been 2, without proteinuria. The bleeding spots on the skin keep reappearing, and I am feeling very anxious. I often dream of having bleeding spots all over my body. Currently, I am taking vitamin C and calcium supplements, but they haven’t been very effective. The doctor mentioned that if we want to use effective medication, we might have to stop breastfeeding. What should I do? Some people suggested using corticosteroid drugs like prednisone, but others say they are hormone drugs and should not be used during breastfeeding. What should I do?


Allergic purpura is a common condition with various causes. After diagnosis, it is important to seek medical attention immediately for testing and treatment, as well as to identify the allergen. Treatment typically involves anti-allergic therapy and the appropriate use of calcium, hormones, and vitamin C. Please use medication under the guidance of a doctor. During treatment, avoid consuming fish, shrimp, and other animal protein foods. These are suggestions for what to do about the “What should I do?” question. I hope they are helpful to you, and I wish you good health!