
I ate watermelon at 8 pm on June 21st, and had stomach pain that night. The next morning, I had diarrhea. I didn’t take any medicine, as I already have poor gastrointestinal health, and thought it would get better in a couple of days. Later, I started coughing, and the pain went from my upper abdomen to my lower abdomen. On June 27th, I went to the community hospital and got four herbs tablets, Baizhi pill, and levofloxacin. Is this treatment sufficient?


Disease Analysis: These symptoms are indicative of acute enterocolitis caused by improper diet. Guidance: I suggest you take Biseptol (similar to levofloxacin but with less oral absorption, thus having a regional effect in the intestinal area) or Gentamicin for treatment. Abdominal pain is spasmodic pain caused by intestinal irritation due to enteritis. It is recommended to take oral hyoscyamine for spasmolysis and pain relief. Additionally, if diarrhea is severe, it is recommended to take oral compound benzylpenicillin for treatment. However, if dehydration symptoms occur, it is essential to undergo intravenous fluid therapy for energy replenishment.