
After starting school, the child was diagnosed with hyperactivity, sometimes hitting others, lacking discipline, and the teacher suggested taking a leave of absence. Currently, the child can only attend school for half a day.


Hyperactivity may be related to the intake of amino acids in a child’s diet. Excessive consumption of tyrosine or tryptophan-rich foods such as donkey meat, pork floss, duck feet, fish slices, scallops, dried abalone, cheese, tofu skin, pumpkin seeds, and so on may lead to hyperactivity. Additionally, excessive sugar intake may also trigger symptoms of hyperactivity. Certain foods containing methyl salicylate are not suitable for children with hyperactivity. Being active does not necessarily mean having hyperactivity; it is a brain disorder. It is recommended to take the child for a check-up. If it is not hyperactivity, that’s best. If it is, treatment is suggested.