
Does the child have any white froth coming out of their mouth during the seizures, or are there any cries? Has there been any difficulty in labor? Based on the child having had three seizures and abnormal signals shown on the MRI, the first consideration should be epilepsy. Guidance: It is recommended that you seek further examination and treatment from a neurology specialist. In case of a recurrence of seizures, it is timely to go to the hospital for an EEG, as an abnormal EEG pattern is typically observed in epilepsy.


Hello, does the child have any white froth coming out of their mouth or make any cries during the seizures? Have there been any complications during labor? Given the child’s history of three seizures and abnormal signals detected on the MRI, the primary concern should be epilepsy. It is advised to promptly take the child to a neurology specialist for further examination and treatment. In the event of another seizure recurrence, it is important to immediately bring the child to the hospital for an EEG to determine if the symptoms are indicative of epilepsy. An EEG usually shows abnormal changes if epilepsy is confirmed.